Performance Assessment Case Study
Nexa Provides Hotel with Comprehensive View of Its Water System
A full-service hotel installed Nexa to provide a comprehensive assessment of the hotel’s water system, including domestic hot-water delivery to guestrooms, chiller performance, energy efficiency, and water consumption.
To provide this visibility, Nexa helped the hotel install several temperature & pressure sensors, as well as a flow meter across the property. In addition, the Nexa team closely monitored the data and regularly shared their observations and insights with the hotel team. Once the installation was completed, the Nexa team began to provide the hotel with an assessment for each of the following areas:
Domestic Hot Water Temperatures to Guestrooms
Nexa detected increased temperature fluctuations on the DHW supply line to the guestrooms.
Nexa sensors were deployed to monitor the temperature of the DHW outlet supply, to ensure that the guestrooms were consistently receiving hot water from the mechanical room.
Prior to February 18th, the hotel was able to consistently deliver DHW to guestrooms, with DHW outlet temperatures hovering between 130 – 140°F. However, Nexa detected increased fluctuations in temperature beginning on February 19th, with DHW supply dipping below 110°F at times.
Thanks to Nexa’s alerts, the hotel team was notified of the situation, discovered some setpoint and mechanical issues with the water heaters in the mechanical room, and began taking action to resolve these issues.
Consistent Water Pressure for Guestrooms
Nexa alerted hotel staff during dips in DHW pressure to the guestrooms, allowing rapid responses.
Nexa deployed a sensor to monitor the water pressure supplied to the guestrooms and ensure that pressure was within 60-90 PSI leaving the mechanical room.
In early February, Nexa alerted the hotel of some dips in water pressure, which were caused by a combination of high guestroom water demand and sub-zero temperatures from a winter storm. By alerting the hotel immediately, the staff acted and resolved the pressure fluctuations before guests were adversely impacted.
Aside from those incidents, the hotel was generally consistent in terms of the water pressure on their DHW line. Nexa gave the hotel staff the peace of mind of knowing that their water pressure was where it needed to be.
Domestic Hot Water Supply and Return Temperatures
Nexa was able to provide the hotel visibility on their energy efficiency of their DHW loop.
By monitoring the DHW supply and return lines, Nexa can help a property determine if they are experiencing excess temperature loss on the DHW line as it travels through the building. When that occurs, the building incurs additional energy costs to reheat the water and could be indicative of additional plumbing issues elsewhere in the facility.
Fortunately, the hotel had a consistent 5 to 6-degree difference between DHW supply and return that was within target benchmarks, indicating minimal temperature loss and high efficiency.
Building Water Consumption
Nexa provided the hotel with their real-time water consumption, revealing that their water usage per room was slightly above benchmarks.
Nexa’s flow meter was able to capture water consumption for the hotel, and the Nexa team analyzed the property’s water usage compared to guestroom demand.
From the analysis, Nexa revealed that the hotel’s water usage per guestroom was slightly higher than industry benchmarks and internal targets that the hotel had set for themselves. Fortunately, Nexa’s analysis also included recommendations for the hotel to reduce their per-room water consumption in order to achieve their usage targets.